Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This coming Sunday is National Back to church Sunday. Thousands of churches across the United States will be welcoming visitors. Here are reasons why many of us go to church.

Reasons why I want to come to church.

1.  I want to grow.

2. I want to do what God says.

3. I want to be around people who sharpen me.

4. I want to live a longer life.

5. I want to train my children well.

6. I want to strengthen my marriage.

7. I want a better outlook on life.

8. I want rewards in heaven.

9. I want to be part of a cause that’s bigger than me, and I want to invest in something that will last for eternity.

10.  I want to come to church because more people come to Christ in church services than anywhere else on earth.

Be wise today and always - come to God's house and be blessed.