Monday, August 31, 2015

Highly Friendly

I recently read an article on on 13 Habits of Highly Friendly Churches. I want to share the highlights of their findings. We can all be better at being the church that makes God (and others) smile.
1. Highly Friendly Churches Have Highly Friendly Senior Pastors.
2. Highly Friendly Churches Have Highly Friendly Staffs.
3. Highly Friendly Churches Leverage Social Media.
4. Highly Friendly Churches Make Great First Impressions.
5. Highly Friendly Churches Create Comfortable Environments.
6. Highly Friendly Churches Passionately Serve Their Local Communities.7. Highly Friendly Churches Care About Those Attending Their Church.8. Highly Friendly Churches are Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Generational.9. Highly Friendly Churches Use Humor.10. Highly Friendly Churches Have Volunteers Who Are Glad to Be There.11. Highly Friendly Churches Care About the Things You Care About.12. Highly Friendly Churches Are Passionate About Getting Better.13. Highly Friendly Churches Make You Glad You Were There.

How we doing church? Fantastic I hope, but if not let’s get work. Amen?