Tuesday, August 30, 2016


This week's hero let her work be her words , and showed everyone that her joy was found in Jesus. Her name is Tabitha and her God story is found in Acts 9:36-43. She took to heart Jesus' lament of; “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

Tabitha worked for the Lord and took care of the poor. Her names mean gazelle, which indicates a woman of energy, grace, beauty and quick movements.
36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor.

Her life’s theme would be to: “Serve the Lord”! She opened her heart, mind, life, and gifts to the Lord and His purposes. Given two of her names, including the Greek Dorcas, it leads us to believe she ministered to the Jews and Gentiles. She is the only woman in the New Testament that is called a disciple. A disciple is a student and a learner, so they can apply it to their lives.
Tabitha took a seemingly simple skill, sewing, and brought many to Christ as she lived out her faith. Don't underestimate your gift - Jesus can use it for His glory. Amen?