Sunday, November 19, 2017

Wealth Control

It has been reported that John D. Rockefeller proposed three simple rules for anyone who wants to become rich: (1) Go to work early. (2) Stay at work late. (3) Find oil.

Whether accurately reported or not, the remark rings true. There is something unpredictable about wealth—what it takes to find it and keep it. Some people work hard their whole lives and never manage to accumulate much money. Others are blessed with good fortune and become rich virtually overnight. While we may believe that we control our own economic destiny, we live at the mercy of many forces beyond our control.

And while it is certain that those who work hard are more likely to live comfortable lives, Rockefeller’s quip holds a valuable lesson on the best attitude toward wealth. Rather than seeking seeing our economic well-being as fully within our control, we should realize that we depend on something other than our own efforts to succeed. You and I know that we depend on God for our daily bread.

What freedom!

This week in our Give to Live series we’ll examine Jesus’ core teaching on money and discover that it is really a teaching on trust (see Matthew 6:19–34). As you begin to see God as the provider of all good things, you will discover greater contentment, greater confidence, and greater trust in Him. He really does care for you.