Have you ever got a song stuck in your mind? It's usually a repetitive VBS kinda song, or one from when you were younger. I did recently and it was really hard to stop thinking about and singing it. The good thing is that it usually wears off and you forget it again!
Then we come to today's verse about God being our song. When we accept Christ as Savior we want to tell everyone! Sing about His love and mercy. Think about His great plan for our lives.
Then at some point the enthusiasm runs out. Yes we still know in our hearts and minds, but we're not as "vocal" about our relationship. In fact we often sing the "blues" or focus on other things in the song others hear us live out.
Hmm... I think we need to start singing God praises again.
"I could sing of Your love forever..."
"I love You Lord..."
This little light of mine..."
"Amazing grace how sweet the sound..."
"On Christ the solid Rock I stand..."
What song will you sing today?