Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tells Me So

A few years ago I was leading a small group on how to better study God's Word. After a few weeks one of the students asked me why we were spending so much time memorizing Scripture about the Bible. They thought we should focus more on verses about Jesus and God’s love.

It made me think of a song I learned as a kid, “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so…”

We grow up loving Jesus and believing He loves us, but as adults we are confronted with a world that does not accept this. When they ask us for proof or why we feel that way, what do we say? I learned it in a song?

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. DO what it says!” - James 1:22

We must know the Word. Apply it to our lives, and be ready to explain it to the world. May the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, and open your eyes to see the wonderful things in God’s law. Amen?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Before Jesus went back to heaven he explains the Holy Spirit’s role:

John 14:26  The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”                         

John 14:17 “He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.”

John 16:15 “the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you”                  

In Ephesians Paul says 1:17 “I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God.”                        

The Bible is the only book where you can talk to the author while reading it! You can ask “Now what did you mean here?” How does this work?

Look at Ephesians 1:18-19 “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”

Enlighten -  “The light came on!” The A ha moment!  YES!  I got it!  I understand!   That’s Illumination! You’re spiritual eyes were opened!

May our spiritual eyes always be open to be enlighten. Amen?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

John 3:16

I hadn't heard this story in a long time, but it brought a smile to my face. It's longer than my usual posts but worth the time - enjoy.

In the city of Chicago, one cold, dark night, a blizzard was setting in. A little boy was selling newspapers on the corner; the people were in and out of the cold. The little boy was so cold that he could not sell many papers. He walked up to a policeman and said, "Mister, you wouldn't happen to know where a poor boy could find a warm place to sleep tonight would you? You see, I sleep in a box up around the corner there and down the alley and it's awful cold in there at night. Sure would be nice to have a warm place to stay." The policeman looked down at the little boy and said, "You go down the street to that big white house and you knock on the door. When they come out the door you just say John 3:16 and they will let you in."

So he did, he walked up the steps to the door, and knocked on the door and a lady answered. He looked up and said, "John 3:16." The lady said, "Come on in, Son." She took him in and she sat him down in a split bottom rocker in front of a great big old fireplace and She went off. He sat there for a while, and thought to himself "John 3:16.... I don't understand it, but it sure makes a cold boy warm."

Later she came back and asked him "Are you hungry?" He said, "Well, just a little. I haven't eaten in a couple of days and I guess I could stand a little bit of food." The lady took him in the kitchen and sat him down to a table full of wonderful food. He ate and ate until he couldn't eat any more. Then he thought to himself "John 3:16... Boy, I sure don't understand it, but it sure makes a hungry boy full."

She took him upstairs to a bathroom to a huge bathtub filled with warm water and he sat there and soaked for a while. As he soaked, he thought to himself, "John 3:16... I sure don't understand it, but it sure makes a dirty boy clean. You know I've not had a bath, a real bath, in my whole life. The only bath I ever had was when I stood in front of that big old fire hydrant as they flushed it out."

The lady came in and got him, and took him to a room and tucked him into a big old feather bed and pulled the covers up around his neck and kissed him good night and turned out the lights. As he laid in the darkness and looked out the window at the snow coming down on that cold night he thought to himself, "John 3:16... I don't understand it, but it sure makes a tired boy rested."

The next morning she came back up and took him down again to that same big table full of food. After he ate she took him back to that same big old split bottom rocker in front of the fireplace and she took a big old Bible and sat down in front of him and she looked up at him and she asked, "Do you understand John 3:16?" He said, "No, Ma'am, I don't. The first time I ever heard it was last night when the policeman told me to use it." She opened the Bible to John 3:16, and she began to explain to him about Jesus. Right there in front of that big old fireplace he gave his heart and life to Jesus. He sat there and thought, "John 3:16. I don't understand it, but it sure makes a lost boy feel safe."

You know, I have to confess I don't understand it either, how God would be willing to send His Son to die for me, and how Jesus would agree to do such a thing. I don't understand it either, but it sure does make life worth living.


Monday, February 25, 2019


There must be an intentional act of focusing, discovering, and following Christ. This can be accomplished by intently searching the Bible and using it as a mirror to look at your life.

Definition of Intently: with strained, earnest, or eager attention.

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.  Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, - 1 Peter 1:8-10

Christ followers have experience His love, joy, and salvation. It fills the spiritual void that people have looked for since the beginning of time. The "antidote" to our sin problem - God's grace. Amen?

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Improved Hearing

God gave us five senses so that we can Hear, See, Smell, Taste, and Touch. All can be used in experiencing God and His Word. Consider how we can receive it with our ears. 

 “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ. Romans 10:17

 “Everyone should be QUICK TO LISTEN, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly ACCEPT THE WORD planted in you, which can save you) James 1:19-21

For “Good Reception” there are 4 things I need to be…

hQUIET “Be quick to listen and slow to speak…” - When I’m talking - I’m not listening
hCALM “and slow to become angry …” Fact:  we don’t hear much when we’re angry or upset. When emotionally upset -you’re defensive! A relaxed attitude increases receptiveness - Listening lowers blood pressure! 
hCLEAN “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent” Before you meet with God take out your emotional and spirit garbage by confession.
hHUMBLE “humbly accept the Word planted in you which can save you” Be a God’s way not a My way person.

Be ready to do whatever God tells you from his Word. Amen?

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Consider this teaching from Jesus’ Disciple Peter.

11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.

14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:13-18

May you grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord today and every day.

Friday, February 22, 2019

On Mission

Through missions we share the love and grace of God in Christ Jesus in some of the most real and tangible ways, and in so doing, we ourselves also experience Christ in new and profound ways. – Chris Sauer
This is what it means to be a Christian, a disciple.
- We love those who probably can't give anything in return. 
- We do “unto others” as an expression of the love of God that is inside of us, bubbling up, spilling over, and flowing out! 
Christians on a mission are giving two gifts -- one gift which satisfies a practical need, and one gift which opens a window to the love and grace of God. 
The man replied, "The Scriptures say, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.' They also say, 'Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.'" – Luke 10:27
Whose mission are you on today?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Intentional Hands

We should intentionally begin everyday with open hands  – an openness to let go of the things that weigh us down, and receive all that God has in store for us. We need to open our eyes, minds, and heart to what God has in store for us. We see in Jesus’ life people had a hard time understanding this. 

“You are demon-possessed,” the crowd answered. “Who is trying to kill you?” Jesus said to them, “I did one miracle, and you are all amazed. Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision (though actually it did not come from Moses, but from the patriarchs), you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath. Now if a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you angry with me for healing a man’s whole body on the Sabbath?  Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” - John 7:20-24.

The people were unfamiliar with the personal ambitions of their leaders. It would be unthinkable to these people that their leaders would plot to kill a man. Therefore the only possible conclusion would be that Jesus was controlled by a demon or out of His mind.

Jesus reminded the crowd that circumcision regularly resulted in the breaking of Sabbath Laws (v.22). Law required it to be done on the eighth day regardless of what day that it fell on. The logic of Jesus’ argument was that if it is permissible to treat one part of the body on the Sabbath, then what was wrong with healing the whole body on the Sabbath? (v.23)

Jesus had done more than meet the physical need of this man. He had met his spiritual need as well. (vv. 5:8& 14)

Closed eyes, minds, and hearts keep people from meeting the Savior. Be open to all the Lord has in store for you through His Word.  Amen?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Great Gift

In Luke 11 the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. They saw this as the greatest gift they could receive. This is what the Lord has taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13:

1. It’s for God’s glory. (vv 9-10) – We worship and acknowledge who the Lord is in our lives. We proclaim our faithfulness and obedience.

2. It’s for our good. (vv 11-13) – The Lord provides for our needs. He pardons us from our sins, and protects us from evil.

The Lord's Prayer
 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. - Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV)

What is your intent when it comes to serving God? 

Let’s give Him glory and acknowledge His goodness. Amen?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What You Can Be

The sermon on the mount is one of the greatest recorded teaching of Jesus. Like most great oratories the beginning is critical, and Jesus’ is – known as the Beatitudes. We will discover what God wants us to “be” in order to “do” His will. Through this teaching we will see what God’s intent is for people.

Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. - Matthew 5:3-12

What the Lord has called us to be:

Seekers (vv 3-5) – know they are spiritually impoverished and mourn over their need for spiritual filling. The word meek means domesticated – “under the Master’s will.

Finders (v 6) – want, accept, and are continually filled with the Holy Spirit through their relationship with Christ as Lord and Savior.

Servers (vv 7-11) – show mercy, have pure hearts, and are God’s peacemakers. Great are their reward for being persecuted for Jesus’ sake.

Seek, find, and serve the Lord with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. Amen?

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dead Church

This story has been around for a while but is a great reminder of the responsibility each of us have to God and His church.

A young, ambitious pastor was called to serve in a certain church.  He was warned by his predecessor that this congregation was "dead". It was not even worth trying to save it. But this pastor accepted the call because he believed with God’s guidance he could bring life to that church. He was an optimist and he worked hard, visiting the members, preaching his best sermons enthusiastically, he tried to develop an outreach or lay visiting program so that visits might be done in the homes of the active, the inactive and new people moving into town.

The harder he tried, the more he knew that his predecessor was right; this was one seriously dead church.  It was a shrine for the frozen chosen - a mausoleum of faith. There was just nothing there. The spark for ministry, the excitement sharing the gospel was just not there.  So one Sunday he made a startling announcement to the few who were gathered for worship.

He said, "In as much as you are a dead congregation, unresponsive to resuscitative efforts, unresponsive to any effort of pumping life into the workings of the congregation, in as much as the vital signs of the congregation are dead, I will conduct a funeral for this ’dead ’church next Sunday morning at 10:00am."

The members, at least the few who were there, buzzed with excitement following the service. One said, "What’s he trying to pull anyway?" Another said, "I don’t understand?" The pastor and his announcement of a funeral for the church was the main talk of the tiny rural town during that week. The phone lines were hot with talk; the coffee shop was filled with men talking about what they expected next Sunday.

Sunday arrived, and as the people gathered, there was an open coffin in the front of the church. As the 10:00 approached, the pastor looked out and saw that every pew plus some chairs were filled for this funeral service.

He began the funeral service by reading scripture, he shared prayer, he even gave a very sad sermon on the demise of this over 100 year old church and congregation. After he finished his sermon, he did something which again startled the membership. He asked the members to please rise and pass slowly by the open coffin to pay their last respects to this now dead church.

Row by row, the people rose and walked past the coffin. And, each of them got the same sheepish, startled look as They scurried quickly away from it. The coffin was empty except for a mirror. As each person peered into the coffin to view the deceased each looked upon his or her own face.

Ask yourself what would my church look like if everyone: attended, gave, served, prayed, invited, and worshipped like me? Would it be Dead, Lukewarm, or Alive? It is something to pray about and act on. Amen?  

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Intentional Response

What if someone said to you, “How can you say that Jesus is the only way?” We should respond not by getting offended but by getting excited. Jesus said,

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” —John 14:1–6

Remember - “Everyone is searching; not everyone knows it.” Here are three things we can do:

1. I should realize the intention of Jesus’ words. It’s Good News!

2. I must recognize the inclusivity of Jesus’ words. His words are not exclusive; they’re inclusive!

3. I will respond to the invitation in Jesus’ words. “I am the way”.  Notice that He doesn’t say, “I can show you the way.” He doesn’t say, “I will lead the way.” He doesn’t say, “I will give you directions, I will draw you a map.” He says, “I am the way.” He is not only the way TO heaven. He is the way OUT of darkness, the way OUT of sin, the way OUT of emptiness. He is the way of freedom from guilt, of deliverance from shame and death and despair.

Respond to Jesus’ invitation and find the object of your heart’s quest in Him. Wherever you were born, whatever you’ve done, however badly you’ve blown it, whether or not you’ve got issues, Jesus extends an invitation to you today. You don’t have to apply, you don’t have to qualify, because the invitation is universal … not exclusive … it is for everyone. It is for you. Amen?

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Our Intent

Usually when we hear the word intent it is dealing with legal matters. Usually trying to learn if someone purposely did something. What about your intent as a Christ follower? Do you ever think about what a Christian’s objective to life should be? Let’s take a deeper look at the word.

Definition of Intent: resolved or determined to do (something)

Synonyms of Intent: aim · purpose · objective · goal · hope · plan · desire · ambition· absorbed · engrossed · fascinated

Does this word describe your pursuit of God?

Paul talked about God’s intent for us. His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.  - Ephesians 3:10-12

Today ask God to help your intent of pursuit in serving Him. Amen?

Friday, February 15, 2019

God's Intent

We say in church, "God is good - all the time and All the time God is good!" Now I believe that statement is theologically correct and it shows the essence and the never ending presence of the Lord's love, grace, and mercy. Hopefully we can all say Amen to that. The problem with goodness lies with us Christ followers (who are sometimes not "good"). Traditionalism, prejudice, meanness, anger, pride-fullness, and sin rears it's head - even in the church.  It breaks my heart, and I am sure God is shaking His head as well.

Change comes slowly but it must come. This is true in our personal and public lives. There are those people and things that will try to stop changes in your life. Don't let them! Keep your focus vertical with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. Desire the best that God has for you. Psalm 136 shows where our attention should be.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His faithful love endures forever. (vv.1-3)

He remembered us in our weakness.
His faithful love endures forever.
24 He saved us from our enemies.
His faithful love endures forever.
25 He gives food to every living thing.
His faithful love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His faithful love endures forever (vv.23-26) 

Stay around "Pro-grow" not "No-grow" people. You need to be in a community that will breathe life in to you, not drain you. Follow God's Word on how He desires us to be connected in community. It is part of His plan for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Remember His promise, I will restore your health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 30:17 Change your life today. Strive for the relationships God desires for you to have.  Amen?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Happy Heart

Happy Valentine's Day! It is a day to celebrate love and a universal symbol is a heart. The Bible is full of "heart" references, and God's desire for His children to have good heart.

 “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.  Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes or grapes from briers. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. – Luke 6:43-25

This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. Titus 3:8

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16  

Strive to have God's good heart every day of the year. Amen? 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Call on Jesus

When going through life’s struggles be reminded that Jesus Christ is... My Advocate ... Almighty ... Alpha and Omega ... Amen ... Apostle of our Profession ... Atoning Sacrifice for our Sins ... Author of Life ... Author and Perfecter of our Faith ... Author of Salvation ... Beginning and End ... Blessed and only Ruler ... .Bread of God ... Bread of Life ... Bridegroom ... Capstone ... Chief Cornerstone ... Chief Shepherd ... Christ ... Creator ... Deliverer ... Eternal Life ... Gate ... Faithful and True ... Faithful Witness ... Faith and True Witness ... First and Last ... Firstborn From the Dead ... Firstborn over all creation ... Gate ... God ... Good Shepherd ... Great Shepherd ... Great High Priest ... Head of the Church ... Heir of all things ... High Priest ... Holy and True ... Holy One ... Hope ... Hope of Glory ... Horn of Salvation... I Am ... Image of God ... Immanuel ... Judge of the living and the dead ... King Eternal ... King of Israel ... King of the Jews ... King of kings ... King of the Ages ... Lamb ... Lamb of God ... Lamb Without Blemish ... Last Adam ... Life ... Light of the World ... Lion of the Tribe of Judah ... Living One ... Living Stone ... Lord ... Lord of All ... Lord of Glory ... Lord of lords ... Man from Heaven ... Mediator of the New Covenant ... Mighty God ... Morning Star ... Offspring of David ... Only Begotten Son of God ... Our Great God and Savior ... Our Holiness ... Our Husband ... Our Protection ... Our Redemption ... Our Righteousness ... Our Sacrificed Passover Lamb ... Power of God ... Precious Cornerstone ... Prophet ... Rabbi ... Resurrection and Life ... Righteous Branch ... Righteous One ... Rock ... Root of David ... Ruler of God’s Creation ... Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ... Savior ... Son of David ... Son of God ... Son of Man ... Son of the Most High God ... Source of Eternal Salvation for believers ... The One Mediator ... The Stone the builders rejected ... True Bread ... True Light ... True Vine ... Truth ... Way ... Wisdom of God ... Word ... Word of God!

Mountaintops or Valleys - He Is and always will be.


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Help Needed

The My Hope with Billy Graham outreach has a great system for the care of new Christians. The Great Commission tells us to  “...Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...” -Matthew 28:19. All believers should use the example of Paul when helping others grow and mature in the faith.

Follow Up Strategies

-         Paul GAVE himself - put other's needs before your own

-         Paul PRAYED for them - praying for growth and protection

-         Paul SENT others - when you can't be there

-         Paul WROTE letters - keep in contact

-         Paul RETURNED personally - nothing is better than the fellowship of believers

We must be in
the process of giving continued attention to new Christians until they are at home in the local church, find out how they can serve, develop their full potential for Jesus Christ and help to build Christ’s Church.

Be a mentor in Christ - Give, Pray, Send, Write, and Be a part in new believers lives. Amen?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Live Right

When we read bible passages like Deuteronomy 8 it is easy to focus on the negatives and not the positives. When we focus on doing life God's way and not any other we have great promises. Don't wait till January to make a resolution. Decide today that you will spend your life with the desire to please God and put a smile on His face. Read this passage with a heart wanting to bring Him glory.

Do Not Forget the Lord

8 Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land the Lord promised on oath to your ancestors. Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years. Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.

Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in obedience to him and revering him. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land—a land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills; a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey; a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills.
10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 15 He led you through the vast and dreadful wilderness, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock. 16 He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you. 17 You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” 18 But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
19 If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. 20 Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God.

Let's live for God and do life His way. Amen?

Sunday, February 10, 2019


What are you the most proud of? I know my grandbabies are pretty spectacular, but think of this first. Who should we glory in - God or someone else? The Bible says that we are to love God with all we have and  glory belongs to Him. Look at the Lord says in Jeremiah chapter nine.

 This is what the LORD says:
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.
Boast in the Lord. - Jeremiah 9:23-24

Focus on the vertical with God it will make the horizontal stuff easy. You can still brag on your grandchildren!  Amen?

Saturday, February 9, 2019


People in most of the Old Testament had a problem with staying connected with God. This led to their misery and downfall. We also suffer from this malady. Remember these five words: recognize, stop, move, listen, and respond. These actions can help you in your relationship with people but more importantly with God. This comes from my own personal experience.

Picture this; I am watching tv by myself in another room of my house and I hear my wife say something. I know she is saying something to me but don't have a clue what she said.
 I have three choices: 1. Ignore (not a wise move) 2. Answer "Yes" and hope It will come to me later what she wants (also not wise) Both of these actions are unacceptable.

Consider a third alternative. I need to Recognize she is trying to communicate something to me. I must Stop what I am doing and give her my attention. If I Move to where she is at it will create clarity for my understanding. When I am in her presence I can Listen to what she is saying, so I may Respond in the correct way. That will help make a happy wife - happy life!

If we use these same steps we will enhance our relationship with God, and will be able to know His desire for our lives.

Take steps to know God better. Amen?

Friday, February 8, 2019

Intentional Growth

Being a Christian is about believing in Jesus as Savior, and belonging to His family (the church). Peter said, Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3 We’re talking about two important relationships here. The first is vital: accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Redeemer from your sins. What you do with Jesus determines your eternity. Christ followers spend a lot of time on this. It’s called evangelism and witnessing. It’s how people hear God’s truth and are saved. That's how the second relationship happens - believers make up the church!

Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved ... (but) how can they believe if they've never heard? And how can they hear unless someone tells them? - Romans 10:13-14

Thank you God for my wonderful family – the church. Time for the family to grow. Let's be intentional about it.  Amen?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Intentional Start

The story of Jesus doesn’t end with Jesus. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. The supernatural does not stop with Jesus. Luke makes it clear that these Christians he wrote about were no more spectators of Jesus than Jesus was a spectator of God—they are in on the action of God, God acting in them, God living in them. Which also means, of course, in us? - Peterson

Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:6-8

People since the beginning of the church have been questioning God’s methods and timing. Don’t worry about things that you have no control in, but trust in God (make Jesus Lord). 

Here’s the plan:

1. When you accept Jesus as Savior then God comes to live in with you and empower you (use it!).

2. We are to be witnesses of what we have seen and experienced (Jesus coming out of you!).

3. Who and where? A. Jerusalem represents where you live and the people that you know.

B. Judea is the state you live and people who you have things in common.

C. Samaria represents the United States and those who you may not agree with/dislike.

D. Ends are the rest of the countries of the world with different customs, language, and lifestyles.

Verses 9-11 reminds us that Jesus is with us and He’s coming back soon!  Amen?

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

In Fellowship

The third “IN” relationship is vital to the believer – becoming part of God’s family, In Fellowship with the church. Acts chapter talks about the “behavior” of Christ followers. (They) were baptized (1) ... and joined the other believers ... they worshiped together regularly at the Temple (2) ... and met in small groups in the homes (3) for communion... Acts 2

Our spiritual family should be important to us. The Bible uses words like “they continued to meet”. They remained “IN” connection! The word connect literally means fused together.

We all need encouragement, prayers, guidance, and help in various ways in this life. My church family helps me with facing life and all its challenges. Keeps me “IN” Christ…

Magnify (Honor) the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Ps 34:3

Let us go on ... and become mature in our understanding, as strong Christians ought to be. - Hebrews 6:1

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.  - Acts 20:24

Are You In?

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Obedience In

The second point from the Three Intentional Steps to be “In” is Obedience. We are told by Jesus that we show our love for Him by obedience to His Word.

The impact of Jesus’ ministry on people is found in Mark 1:27-28, The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.”  News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee. People reacted in three ways: They were amazed.  questioned. They spread the news everywhere.

The impact should be the same on us. All three responses should characterize us as we witness the power of God in changing and healing lives. Have we become gospel-hardened? Have you allowed Jesus to have full control (Inside) of your life? Do you want to grow?

Remember these three rhyming words. Attend (church and study groups)  –Begin (apply your learning) – Jump in (serve and lead).

 Just Don’t pretend! Amen?

Monday, February 4, 2019

In Christ

I once preached a message called, “Three Intentional Steps to be "In". The first one is that we have to be: In Christ. Here are four Scriptures in dealing with this all important step.

God assures me of my salvation, "That if you confess with your mouth that, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9). Salvation is "in Christ" alone.

God assures me of staying saved, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." (John 10:28). Jesus gives us assurance that we are permanently "in" His family.

God assures me of forgiveness, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9). This is part of the "in process" of maturing in our faith.

God assures me that He will never leave me, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20). He is "in" our lives for eternity.

Praise God that all believers are "in" Christ? Amen?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

In Motion

Genesis 1:1 – is where it (or in) all starts! The first verse in the Bible starts with the word in! How you respond to those first four words "In the Beginning God" will show your world view. It will be worldly or through the filter of Scripture.  Let's break down this critical verse.

In – “are you in or out”, “for me or against me”, My will or your will”, “walk by sight or faith”, and it boils down to are you a “My way or God’s way person”?

The beginning – onset, a starting time or place, the first part, starts where you are, and a change can start right now.

God – created-destroyed-saved-promised-conquered-punished-was quiet-sent Jesus-lived-died-rose-coming back. Are you ready?

Created – came in to being, formed, changed, brought forth, originated, and made happen. God spoke everything in to being.

The Heavens – destination, glory, perfection, holiness, light, and the Revelation.

And the Earth – where we are, we have a purpose, and our current life. We must live in it but are not to be confirmed or shaped by it.

Intentionally live for God's purposes. Amen?

Saturday, February 2, 2019


The first part of the word intentionality and in the journey of purposeful living for Christ is the word "In". A simple definition of the word says: "it is used to indicate location or position within something; belongs to or is included as part of something." So when it comes to your relationship with Jesus, Are you in? Better yet are you "all in"?

You see, the Gospel costs nothing, but demands everything. If Jesus is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all. It's all or nothing. It's now or never. It's time to ante up and go all in with God. No one has ever sacrificed anything for God. If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all? The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice.

At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn't give back to God. What we didn't push back across the table to Him. Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out.

Mark Batterson, author of the book, All In, writes, 'For many years, I thought I was following Jesus. I wasn't. I had invited Jesus to follow me. I call it inverted Christianity. And it's a subtle form of selfishness that masquerades as spirituality. That's when I sold out and bought in. When did we start believing that the gospel is an insurance plan? It's a daring plan. Jesus did not die just to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous.'

Today declare that you are "all in" with Jesus. Amen?

Friday, February 1, 2019

God Promises

Knowing God's promises is the first intentional step to using, embracing, and trusting in them. Peter knew the importance of claiming God's Word. "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.-" 2 Peter 1:4 (KJV)

Peter uses three words to describe the promises of God. Consider the impact they could have on your life.
1. Exceeding = beyond natural limits of supernatural.
2. Great = large, surpassing all others.
3. Precious= of such great value that a suitable price is hard to estimate.

The great and mighty promises of’ God mean nothing because most people do not know what they are.

How can you ever have faith in His promise of peace, power, provisions, and all needful things unless you know the promises?

How many promises of the bible do you really know?
How many can you name?

Today count and claim God's promises. Amen?