In the 6th chapter of Judges we see God’s people worried about tomorrow and not about today. They did evil in the sight of the Lord, but questioned why He had let so many bad things happen to them.
In this passage we see Gideon wanting to bake bread but threshing in a winepress. He was in the wrong place, acting like He was doing something other than what God had for him to do. In other words, God was calling Gideon to service but he was acting like a wino! God recognized his potential as a warrior if he had faith and was obedient to what was told to him. Gideon blamed God for all ofIsrael’s woes. The Lord tells him that they made a choice to not obey and be faithful. He reassures, this would be warrior, that He is with Israel and they will be victorious. Gideon’s focus became clear, his faith restored, and he worshiped the Lord.
Are you in the wrong place, acting like you’re doing something other than what God has for you to do? We have the potential to be mighty in God’s army if we get our focus back on Him. God has a great Complaint Dept. It never closes. He is like a best friend who we can carry on and on too, but love us anyway. Instead of playing the blame game with God we should follow Jesus’ directions. He tells us to, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you”. There are no maybes. It’s His plan and kingdom, and we are called to be obedient.
God calls His people brave and mighty. He has not abandoned us. Like Gideon we need to trust and obey. Remember on this day and every day to be strong in the Lord. Worship and praise Him with your life. Let the Lord guide and lead you to victory. Praise God for this moment!