Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tune In

Today let’s look at God’s response to a prayer that pleased Him in 1 Kings 3:10-14.
10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” 
Remember back in the days when we had knobs to tune the radio? To hear the station clearly it had to be just right on the channel we wanted. We have to be “right” with the Lord in order to hear His voice clearly.  Solomon position himself in prayer, worship, and his heart to hear from God. His mind was in tune with God’s. The Lord granted his request for knowledge and wisdom, and so much more. I think we would all like to be blessed like that! Amen?