Friday, December 6, 2013


Evergreens give us vibrant green color in winter when the rest of the world has turned brown or is covered with a blanket of white. These trees also provide a wonderful scent as you stroll through a snowy evergreen forest on a crisp winter’s day. In case you didn’t know, evergreens are trees that keep their needles and are never totally without leaves. When all the earth is brown, when the leaves have departed the trees; Evergreens stand in lonely vigil until the earth again is green. Evergreens shout to us about the hoped for coming of green again. Evergreens stand ever ready to remind us of joyous hope. The joyous reality of the eternal presence of the Christ Child; His eternal presence in all the world. Evergreens represent life. It is during the time of Christmas, in which the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated that evergreen trees are decorated and taken into homes. These trees represent the life of Jesus Christ and how He still lives on today. Evergreen, everlasting, eternal, green branches are a part of our preparation, our waiting: a symbol of hope, a symbol of eternity, a reminder of love received. Evergreen is a symbol of the eternal promise of renewal, a symbol of the eternal and everlasting God.

Be wise today and always - know His love endures forever.