In 2 Kings 13:14-19 the King says to Elisha – “If you are going to leave us then make sure you leave us with some strength from
God”. Elisha puts his hands on the
Kings hands to illustrated the process of spiritual instruction, guidance, and
coaching. This is a picture of how God places His hands over weak human hands
to do supernatural things. (Psalm 144:1) The prophet was about to mentor him in
a whole new realm of warfare.
Then Elisha prophesied – You
must strike and destroy them, and this was before he took the arrows! The
King wasn't listening. He was waiting for something dramatic miracle to happen. His
heart and faith were not in to it. He missed the warning and opportunity to
change history. The King was polite instead of passionate. He sacrificed his
nation’s hopes on the altar of public opinion (what would people think) and
personal doubts (not trusting). The King failed to realize that he held the
arrows of prophetic destiny in his hand.
We have the same opportunity when: “It’s time to pray, sing,
listen and respond to the Word”. The passion with which we respond in the
spiritual realm almost certainly predetermines our victory in the physical
realm. When will we realize that the arrows of prophetic destiny are in our passionate
praise and fervent worship? When passion comes
down the aisle, presence comes back in the building. Remember Passion proceeds
Presence. God has an incredible idea. He thinks church is about Him!
In today’s fainting church should we be praying for a Holy Ghost defibrillator.
The King faced a divine opportunity
when the prophet prophesied and handed him the arrows of deliverance – but he failed. The church is at a critical junction right now; a divine
window in time has been opened. We choose our destiny by what we prioritize and
make important. God wants us to choose between Him and the religious ideas we
have about Him.
God is looking for people who will seize the arrows of
opportunity and say, “If You said strike the ground, then we will obey although
we don’t understand. All we know is to loose our passion for Your
presence!”Are we that people? Are you that person?