Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Citizen Christian

This election has merited a lot of discussion. Problems with leaders and countries have been around for a  long time. It's time we think from our Christian hearts and not our earthly minds.The following is an excerpt from a booklet called Five Duties of a Christian Citizen published by BGEA and Cru.
 Citizenship in a free country is a blessing from God. Our great system of self-government assures every Christian a voice in the affairs of the nation, and enables us to bring a heavenly perspective to the earthly realm. God wants us to do His will in government, just as in the church and in the home. But too often we have disobeyed our Lord. We have ceased to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world,” as Christ has commanded us. As a result, the moral fiber of America is rotting away – and our priceless freedom is in grave jeopardy. - Bill Bright 1980
British statesman Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” America is one of the last strongholds of freedom on earth – and citizens who are dedicated to God are the only resource for the preservation of our freedoms, including the freedom to serve Him. We can be used by God to set this nation on a new course of righteousness for His glory.
Charles Finney, who helped introduce half a million Americans to Christ, wrote in 1835: “The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics, or the Lord will curse them… God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the Church will take right ground. Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as part of their duty to God… God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.” His words are no less true for us today. Our nation’s course is up to us.
 “A Christian’s first duty is to God. It then follows, as a matter of course, that it is his duty to carry his Christian code of morals to the polls and vote them… If Christians should vote their duty to God at the polls, they would carry every election, and do it with ease… it would bring about a moral revolution that would be incalculably beneficent. It would save the country.” - Mark Twain 1905
Christian lawyer Michael Whitehead put it this way: “If America is to be saved, saved Americans must lead the way.”
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope,  encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.- 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
May we apply Jesus to all aspects in our lives. Amen?