Sunday, November 12, 2017

As God Sees

One day Jesus told a story about a man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was robbed, beaten, and left for dead. Two religious folk—let’s call one a religious leader and the other a community leader—came upon the man in need and carefully passed by on the other side of the road. They knew enough to avoid a problem when they saw one!

Later on, a fellow came along who had no real ties to the injured man. They weren’t from the same community; they were of different races and even different religions. Yet this stranger did something the other two gentlemen had failed to do—he took compassion on the man in need. He was seeing as God sees!

You realize that I’m referring to the story of the Good Samaritan. This masterful example teaches us to look beyond the many things that can separate us from others, especially those who are in need, and to see them as God does, with eyes of compassion.

Today at Hopewell, we will be challenged to do just that as we explore a powerful teaching of John the Baptist (see Luke 3:1–18). Give this exercise a try. Call to mind the person or group of people whom you know who are in need. Now ask yourself this question: when I think of these folk, do I see a problem to be avoided or do I see precious souls whom Jesus loves? When we can see the latter, we’ll be seeing others as God sees them.