Bible teaches us how Jesus expects us to use time:
We follow God’s
timetable, not our own – Despite being
bombarded with choices between good, very good, and best, Jesus stayed so
closely aligned with the Father that he always made the right choice of what to
do and when to do it. Following Jesus means focusing on the eternal not the
We look toward
eternity, not just the momentary – Jesus always had
the end in mind.. Even as he died, he said, in a sense, “Father, forgive them.
They don’t see the end of time and so they don’t know what they are doing. They
don’t understand who I am.” We must get our eyes and attention off the “petty”
distractions around us and remember there is only one of the purposes we cannot
do in heaven – evangelism. Our focus must be on telling others about Jesus.
We believe that
God is always right on time – Timing was so
critical to Jesus and his mission that he even died right on time. When the
Roman guards came, expecting to break his legs and hasten his death, they found
Jesus already dead. It was finished, and finished in time to fulfill the
prophecy that none of his bones would be broken. Following Jesus takes faith.
used precision timing in the life of Jesus and
his timing is just as precise in your life! Always follow, look to, and
believe in God’s timing.