Thursday, July 19, 2018

Christian Living

A new life demands a new lifestyle – a change! Today we’ll look at Ephesians 4:17-32 and why change is necessary in a Christ followers life. Below are things we should avoid and things we need to adopt.

1. Believers are to avoid immoral lifestyles. Paul describes the unsaved as having: a. Confused thoughts (17) b. Hardened hearts (18) c. Closed minds (18) d. Impure and greedy thoughts (19)

We can safeguard ourselves by doing life God’s Way!

2. Believers are to adopt a spiritual lifestyle

a. They are to have a renewal of spiritual thoughts and attitudes. (20-23)

b. They are to put off the “old self” including: - Lying (24) - Uncontrolled anger (26-27) - Stealing (28) - Corrupt longings (29, 31) - Grieving the Holy Spirit (30)

c. They are to put on the “new self”, including: - Truthfulness (25) - Honest labor (28) - Helping those in need (28) - Building one another up (29) - Kindness and compassion (32) - Forgiveness (32)

Adoption requires changing old ways and beginning new habits - having a new heart.

Ephesians 5:1 instructs us to: “Be Imitators of God”. How are we doing?