A new life demands a new lifestyle – a change! Today we’ll look at
Ephesians 4:17-32 and why change is necessary in a Christ followers life. Below
are things we should avoid and things we need to adopt.
Believers are to avoid immoral lifestyles. Paul describes the unsaved as
having: a. Confused thoughts (17) b. Hardened hearts (18) c. Closed minds (18)
d. Impure and greedy thoughts (19)
We can safeguard ourselves by doing life God’s Way!
Believers are to adopt a spiritual lifestyle
They are to have a renewal of spiritual thoughts and attitudes. (20-23)
They are to put off the “old self” including: - Lying (24) - Uncontrolled anger
(26-27) - Stealing (28) - Corrupt longings (29, 31) - Grieving the Holy Spirit
They are to put on the “new self”, including: - Truthfulness (25) - Honest
labor (28) - Helping those in need (28) - Building one another up (29) -
Kindness and compassion (32) - Forgiveness (32)
Adoption requires changing
old ways and beginning new habits - having a new heart.
Ephesians 5:1 instructs
us to: “Be Imitators of God”. How are we doing?