Monday, July 23, 2018

Church Work

Forty days after Jesus rose from the grave He returned heaven. He promised His disciples and followers that they would receive a gift - the  Holy Spirit. We see this come to past in Acts chapters 1-2.

They called this new movement “The Church.” Peter preached the first sermon and 3,000 people believed in Christ that first day. Acts 2 is how God envisions His Church, not just in Jerusalem, but all over the world, including right in your church!  I believe this with all my heart.

How does a church become like that original church in Acts 2?

That church pursued five purposes: Fellowship, Discipleship, Worship, Serving, and Evangelism. When implemented these mandates can make any church compelling, powerful and influential.  This is what God wants my church and your church to be like, too. It can happen starting today if we commit to pursuing the priorities the first church did.  

Are you ready?

May we be the church God wants us to be - always.