Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Eve's Eve

Tonight we are having a Christmas service at Hopewell. It may seem at an odd time, but I believe anytime is appropriate to acknowledge, worship, and focus on Jesus. Don't you?

We have had a lot of babies born in to our family over the past three years. Raising children comes with many questions and much faith. They'll be fine. God will see them through it all.

Just like He did over 2000 years ago to another couple with lots of questions and nervousness - Mary and Joseph. On the original Christmas Eve's Eve they were travelling far from their home, very pregnant, and much "not knowing" - where they would stay, what the future held, bringing up the Son of God! 

God saw them through it all and we now have Jesus to celebrate at Christmas and all year long. Today let's praise God for always being there for us when we need direction, love, and hope.

Share God's Christmas story with someone today. Amen?