I think
we've all heard about being Christ's salt in the world. In today's culture it's
hard sometimes to be "salty" for Christ. Everyone wants bigger and
better. I saw a great demonstration by Francis Chan concerning this aspect of
our Christian life. He took a small amount of salt in his hand and proclaimed
it to be the real deal - very salty. He then showed a large pile of white
salty looking material, but was not salty. Chan put the small dose of salt on
the large pile.
just happened? It appears
that you now have a large pile of salt (which is good), but in realty you just
diluted down the small amount of salt in the pile (which does no good). The
world needs us to retain our "saltiness" for Christ. Big piles may be
impressive but in the end that's all you have - a big pile of nothing!
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how
can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be
thrown out and trampled underfoot." - Jesus
Be salt
in a world that is impressed with "big piles" - your
"saltiness" can change them forever. Amen?