Sunday, February 3, 2019

In Motion

Genesis 1:1 – is where it (or in) all starts! The first verse in the Bible starts with the word in! How you respond to those first four words "In the Beginning God" will show your world view. It will be worldly or through the filter of Scripture.  Let's break down this critical verse.

In – “are you in or out”, “for me or against me”, My will or your will”, “walk by sight or faith”, and it boils down to are you a “My way or God’s way person”?

The beginning – onset, a starting time or place, the first part, starts where you are, and a change can start right now.

God – created-destroyed-saved-promised-conquered-punished-was quiet-sent Jesus-lived-died-rose-coming back. Are you ready?

Created – came in to being, formed, changed, brought forth, originated, and made happen. God spoke everything in to being.

The Heavens – destination, glory, perfection, holiness, light, and the Revelation.

And the Earth – where we are, we have a purpose, and our current life. We must live in it but are not to be confirmed or shaped by it.

Intentionally live for God's purposes. Amen?