people believe that being good is good enough to get them into
heaven. Let's take a look at a teaching that Jesus gave.
One day a rich
young ruler came enthusiastically running up to Jesus and asked: "What
must I do to be saved?" Jesus answered: Keep the law. "This I have
done from my youth up," came the reply. Yet one thing do you lack said
Jesus. Go and sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Then come follow
me. We are told that the young man walked away sorrowfully, for he had great
wealth. Concluded the Master: It will be hard for a rich man to enter the
Kingdom of God. The disciples had been watching the dynamics of this happening
and they were quite disturbed. Jewish tradition had always taught that God had
especially blessed rich men and that is why he was rich. In their way of
thinking, if a wealthy man could not receive salvation, then how could a poor
man have any hope? They asked of Jesus: who then can be saved? - Mark
Truths from this passage:
It's about God -
not about being good.
It’s about not
having anything between you and Him.
It’s about what
is impossible with man is possible with God.
If you know Jesus, then you know enough. Let Him control
your life - you are in "good" hands!