Friday, November 21, 2014

Get Ready

Jesus makes reference of Zechariah in Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51(read).. He speaks of Zechariah and his murder Angels, visions, and end times play a major role in his writings, much more so than in any other book, and apocalyptic writing is given center stage. One of the main applications of Zechariah is his message of the coming Lord. This message drove the early church and should be a major emphasis in the church mission today. 

How can we be encouraged and driven with the anticipation of Christ's return?

Chapter 14 speaks of Jesus imminent return. So does Peter in 2 Peter 3:3-12. Even Jesus didn't know the time (Matthew 24:36, 25:13 and Mark 13:32), but we are called to anticipate and be ready.

What steps do we need to take as the church to be ready for Christ’s return?

Today spend time thinking about these things and ask God how you can be used to share the Good News.