Monday, November 17, 2014

God Reigns

Zechariah's name means God has Remembered. This Minor Prophet was a contemporary of Haggai and returned to Jerusalem with the first group of exiles. His writings have a lot of symbolism which the priest asks God to explain through a series of questions. In the first six chapters Zechariah asks no less than 10 questions regarding the visions that God was showing him. With each and every one of them he was given an answer to clarify the vision.

With the exception of Isaiah, no other prophet spoke more about the Messiah than Zechariah. Through his prophecies he manages to put a real awareness and eagerness into the hearts of the people with his messages of Messianic hope. He portrays Christ in His two advents; one as the suffering servant and the other as coming King. Consider both crucial aspects of Christ as we study Zechariah this week.

 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”Luke 19:38