Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Forgiveness Helps

Today we will finish our lesson on forgiveness. There are two things to consider when dealing with your hurt. God doesn't want you to keep hurting yourself.

There is a Christ Pattern of forgiveness:
1. Forgiveness is not forgetting. Don't put yourself in the same position to be hurt over and over again. Solomon said, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly” - Proverbs 26:11 
2. Create boundaries with destructive people – Warn once then twice –enough! - Titus 3:10 You can pray for them and wish hem well. but do not need to keep being abused. 
3. Remember God’s forgiveness is not your business. Jesus said,  Man, who appointed me judge? – Luke 12:13 Let God be God, and may we focus on being healthy with a heart for forgiveness. 

There is a Christ Model to Forgive Others –  Jesus on the cross said, “They don’t know what they are doing” We have to remember that forgiveness involves death:
-        Name it (The rumor, truth, gossip, grief, or hurt)
-        Accept it (Like Christ on the cross) - they don’t pay – you do
-        Absorb it (Allow it to change you) - take the pain

Remember you can’t be resurrected until you die. It’s time to absorb it, forgive, and move forward without unforgiveness controlling you. God never wastes a hurt. Forgive and be healed.
