Saturday, May 2, 2015

He is Able

Do you feel like you've had enough, and you just cannot stand one more piece of bad news or drama in your life? I've felt that way for a while, but you know what I've found out? It's true you cannot take on one more thing, but with God you can! Remember when it's hardest to pray - pray your hardest. Think about this quote from an article in Higher Calling recently.

"God sometimes keeps us in seemingly impossible situations, providing just enough daily bread to strengthen us for the task ahead. When the work of our hands feels inadequate, he multiplies it like loaves and fishes. Where we lack, he is enough." Kimberly Coyle

Sounds to me like God is able, and He is. Where you can't - He can. Jesus said, Trust in me. Do you believe? Then accept and cash in this Godly promise - He is faithful. Believe that with God you can make it. Ask Jesus to help you with your unbelief. He will make a way where you see a dead end. Praise and magnify God through your storm. The storm isn't worthy of it. Amen?

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8