Friday, July 19, 2019

Grow and Do

We have many great opportunities during the summer to reach the children and families in our area. Methods have changed over the years, but the message has hopefully remained the same. We want to introduce children to God, the Bible, and Jesus. We use many creative ways in doing so. Somewhere during all the crafts, games, songs, and skits, the great stories of the Bible are told. I dare say that is where most people receive their basic theology. Songs tell us about Jesus’ love, letting our little lights shine, and of course the B-I-B-L-E song creates lasting impressions for all of us. Many start their Christian walks by making decisions to follow Christ during these types of events.

A problem develops as we grow older, when our faith and Bible knowledge stays “childlike”. The stories we heard about Noah and the Ark, Jonah and the whale, baby Moses, and Jesus’ miracles are wonderful, but as we mature as believers our understanding of God’s Word must grow too. A deeper understanding of the Word of God can only occur if we spend time hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on it. The account of Jesus feeding over 5,000 people is one of these stories. We learn as children about Jesus’ love, using a little boy’s lunch, and the great miracle that followed. By digging deeper into this passage we can learn Biblical truths that give us direction, and help us grow in Christ.

We can learn lessons in giving, receiving, and blessings when we are doing God’s work. First we must be willing to give wholeheartedly to the work of the Lord. The boy in this story gave all he had to Jesus. In his eyes and those around him it sure didn’t seem like much, but because of his faithfulness, and belief that Christ can truly do all things, something unexpected was about to occur. In our lives, we may feel that what we have to give isn’t much, but when we give it all to Him, heaven rejoices. 

What in your life have you not turned over to the Lord for His kingdom’s work? 

He is waiting for you. Amen?