Saturday, October 15, 2016

Hands Up

Are you feeling burdened or overwhelmed these days? God's Word says in Psalm 16:1, "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." That’s good counsel for all of us.
It’s built in to a child’s DNA to reach up when they feel lost or afraid. You see it wherever there are a group of children with their caregivers. Hands go up to be held and reassured. When a child is lifted up it gives them an entirely different perspective and view. Believers are called children of God. He will protect His children, comfort them, and give them a new perspective on life. It’s in our spiritual DNA, but some have just forgotten or repressed it. That leads to a sense of abandonment, fear, and loneliness.
Today and always go to the Father protection, peace, and rest. Hands up!