Thursday, August 30, 2012


The local church is the hope of the world. - Bill Hybels

Hebrews 10:19-25 says,
19 Brothers and sisters, because of the blood of Jesus we can now confidently go into the holy place. 20 Jesus has opened a new and living way for us to go through the curtain. (The curtain is his own body.) 21 We have a superior priest in charge of God’s house. 22 We have been sprinkled with his blood to free us from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with clean water. So we must continue to come to him with a sincere heart and strong faith. 23 We must continue to hold firmly to our declaration of faith. The one who made the promise is faithful. 24 We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. 25 We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming. (GW)

Only 20% of Americans make it to church on Sunday mornings. I believe Hybels has it right.We, believers in Christ, must be his hands and feet to the world.May we not be ashamed of the Gospel of be afraid to be the church God wants us to be. Amen?

September 16, 2012 is National back to Church Sunday. See you in church! 

Be wise today and always - go to church.