Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ask and Listen

Do you admit your need God’s guidance to make any decision?  None of us can see the future. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow—much less next year, or 10 years from now. The Bible says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12) On the other hand, God knows everything that has happened to you, that is happening to you and that will happen to you. In order to keep our lives heading in the direction God desires, we have to go to him for guidance in making decisions. We must ask and listen for the answer.

Ask in faith for direction. James 1:5-6 says, “If you want to know what God really wants you to do, ask Him, and he will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; but … if you don’t ask in faith, don’t expect the Lord to give you any solid answer.” (TLB)

God is willing and anxious to give you wisdom in all aspects of your life. But you need to expect that he will answer your prayer for guidance. Often, we ask God for guidance, but then we walk away without waiting for his answer. When we think our decisions depend totally on us, it only increases the stress level. When we ask God for guidance, we need to then begin looking for his answer. He will provide it.

Listen for God’s response. God designed you to hear His voice. Job 33:14 says, “For God does speak—now one way, now another though man may not perceive it.” God speaks to us through His Word, His people, circumstances and impressions—among other ways. You need to be sure you’re listening to those “channels”, so you can hear what the Lord is saying to you.
Be wise today and always - follow God's Word for your best life.