Having the right attitude in serving God and being His hands and feet is so important to your witness.
Yet even now, says the Lord,
Return to me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
Rend your hearts and not your clothing.
Return to the Lord, your God,
for he is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love,
and relents from punishing.
Who knows whether he will not turn and relent,
and leave a blessing behind him,
a grain-offering and a drink-offering
for the Lord, your God? Joel 2:12-14
We love to say we have freedom in Christ to “take it or leave it”. Why would we ever want to take the bad and give away the good?
What habits make you hard to live with?
A Christ filled life is about regaining self-control, especially in those areas that damage others. God, create a pure heart in me, and renew a right attitude within me. Psalm 51:10 ISV
Be wise today and always - desire a Christ centered heart and mind.