the neighbors around your church say, "We're glad this church is
here," even if they don't attend? If your church relocated, would anyone
care? Are we actively reaching out to their friends, neighbors, and
co-workers? Do your members show genuine concern for those who don't know
According to a recent article by Kevin Ford, if
you answered "no" to any of these questions, your church has an
inward focus that needs urgent attention.
contrast, a transforming church is one that has a shared focus of mission
beyond its walls, regardless of its size, personality, or worship style. These
courageous churches help transform people into God's image. They transform the
communities in which they minister. And, as organizations, they are continually
transforming how they lead, operate, and minister. They are missional, or
outwardly focused, in nature.
So what does it take to
become a transforming church?
If your church wants to
navigate toward a transformational focus, your leadership team will need to
implement these steps:
Redefine your mission statement to target people outside the walls of
the church building.
Focus your evangelism and mission efforts largely on your own local
Help people connect to your outreach efforts.
Resist the temptation to be all things to all people.
Take time to develop a strategic plan that bridges your church's passions
and strengths with the needs of people in your community.
Engage a large percentage of your membership in the process of
discovering your community and developing your strategic plan.
The paradox of focus is
simple. It would seem as though a narrow focus would yield minimal results. In
fact, the opposite is true. As the church focuses its resources on doing a few
things well, it provides a permission-giving culture for members to follow
their calling. Ministry then moves from a few to all members.