Sunday, November 18, 2018

Jesus to the World

In Luke 19:1-10 the people all murmured or muttered about a man named Zacchaeus. Jesus didn’t talk bad about him. Instead we get us a picture of the relationship He desires with all humanity. There are three things we can take from this passage.

1. God is a seeking God. Why do we expect people come to us? We need to be willing to go and share the Gospel.

2 God calls us by name - people want to be heard and recognized. Why do you think Walmart has greeters? Image is not everything – relationship is what people desire.

3. Jesus identifies with us. He wants to spend time with us, even though He knows all about us! 

Do you know your community, and are you glad when people come to your church?

Do you seek opportunities to engage with them?

In Jesus’ Great Commission we are told to Go! Are you ready?

Be Jesus to the world around you. Amen?