Sunday, January 6, 2019

God Wins

A friend of mine was sharing about a great Youth ministry he led a few years ago. He told me their success was achieved by concentrating on two things: service for the Lord and Outreach (witnessing). The willingness of the students and leaders to get out of their comfort zones enabled them to grow both spiritually and numerically. They were able to grow because they were following the words of Jesus 2000 years ago when He was asked about the greatest commandment. Jesus said to love God with all you have, and your neighbors (the world) as yourself.

Loving God is serving Him, and you cannot show love any better than to tell someone about that love shown through Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. The truth and message never changes – only the methodology of accomplishing it changes.

In the last year at Hopewell we have tried to implement these truths to reality in individuals, families, community, and around the world. We have seen some accept salvation through Christ for the first time, and witnessed many lives transformed in living more for Him. According to the Great Commission the church is to make and grow disciples. As we enter into a new year let us focus on doing church Jesus’ way, regardless of the cost. I know that change is hard, but the reward is great. God wins in 2019!
