Friday, January 25, 2019


In this year of “Moving Forward” we should use all resources available to help us on our journey. Three years ago I preached a sermon series on “Intentionality”. The next few weeks I will be re-posting (and updating) some of that teaching to help us in 2019’s quest.

 We have all had those ah-ha moments. It's when we've heard something that brought clarity and direction to our lives. Maybe it was at a conference, a church service, on TV, or you read it somewhere. If your like me you wanted to write it down so you wouldn't forget. Sometimes this moment occurs with a thought that you speak yourself.

This happened to me a few years ago when I was speaking at a conference. My topic was on breaking down barriers that separate God's people. It was not in my notes, but it came out like this, "Don't wait for something to happen. Be intentional". It was quoted by the rest of the speakers - Be intentional about what God is calling you and His church to do. 

That thought has been on my mind. It raises a serious question: How much Godly intentionality is there in my life, family, or church? May we be like the psalmist who asked God to: Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word.  I am but a pilgrim here on earth: how I need a map—and your commands are my chart and guide.  I long for your instructions more than I can tell. - Psalm 119:18-20

I invite you to join me on this "intentional" discovery journey. Let's find what we're called to and put a smile on God's face. Amen?