A few years ago I was using the ATM at my local bank.
It’s set up like a lot of banks with a set of glass doors to the machine and
then another set in to the bank. I always watch the people coming in while I’m
making a withdrawal. I saw this man coming in the door at a pretty good clip.
He comes in the first set of doors and turns right behind me and runs right in
to the glass wall!
He falls to the ground hard, and his file and papers
going flying. I turned and helped him to his feet. As I picked up his papers I
asked if he was okay. He replied, “What happened?” I told him he ran in to a
wall. He said, “That’s impossible! The man from this bank told me to come
through the doors and turn right and I’d be at his desk.”
Well, he was okay and went on through the second set of
doors (and turned right) to his appointment. I thought now there is
someone who takes instruction literally!
Even though it was kind of funny I can appreciate someone
taking and following directions to the letter. Jesus said, “If you love me then
obey my commands”. Makes you think. If God spoke literally to us and told us to
go and do this or that would we?
Wait a minute, I think He did. Amen?