Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introduction for Lessons for Life

There are many lessons for life that we can learn through Jeremiah. He is sometimes referred to as the “weeping prophet”, because of all the hardship in his life. He lived in a time of religious and political upheaval. This prophet was called to lead stubborn disobedient people back to God.

 The world he faced sounds a lot like the world we live in today. A world that has turned away from God, and does not want to hear of their sin or the consequences it will bring upon them. As a believer and follower of Christ we must be obedient to God’s call to honor Him in all we do. We must always speak the truth - even if others do not want to listen.

Jeremiah reminds us that:

God is the “power-source” for our calling.

We will encounter criticism and confrontation as we minister.

We must not only tolerate change, but become agents of change.

Believers should never lose their desire to tell the truth.

A Christian must stand firm on the truth and God-given wisdom even when the world around you has turned their backs on God.

Be wise today and always - keep your worship vertical not horizontal.