Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Jesus never arrived late and he never arrived early, he simply arrived according to his purpose. Look at times where it appeared to the people there that God had forgotten them or did not care. Here are some examples in Jesus’ life.

His Birth – 400 years Jesus was born at exactly the right time to be in Bethlehem with his parents, right as the stars aligned to announce the birth of Israel’s long-awaited king.
At the Temple at age 12 He stayed to study Scripture in the temple, even though his parents left for home.
Jarius Daughter – It seemed he was taking His time getting to the sick girl. When word came she had died and not to come, Jesus said she was sleeping and brought her back to life.
Lazarus (John 11) When others thought he was late, Jesus arrived just in time to raise Lazarus from the dead.
Cross (John 19:28-30) Most people though He missed His purpose by dying instead of becoming King, but in John 5:24 Jesus told them that Death leads to Life!

When we think God is late there is probably a lesson we need to learn in that following Christ means using our time wisely.

Be wise today and always remember God has the best vantage point over our lives.