Sunday, May 6, 2012

Results of Following

Please find your Bibles and read of the beginning of the church in Acts 2:12-42. Today we will finish our study on following Christ, but maybe it is a start of a new closeness as a Christ follower for you.

If you love Jesus and you follow Him there are certain things are bound to happen.

1. People will wonder why you act different. - You are not your own – you are Christ’s hands and feet here on earth.

2. People will want to know what they’re missing. – As you bring the Light of Christ in a dark world people will be attracted to it.

3. People will respond to the truth. A decision will be made to accept God’s hope and salvation.

Remember with Jesus miracles can happen. The greatest one is your salvation, and that it is God’s desire that not one person should perish.

Always give praise and glory to Christ, and put a smile on God’s face as you continue your journey as a Christ follower.

Be wise today and always – follow Jesus all the days of your life.