Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Don't Want to Say a Word

I heard a song the other day that made me think again of a psalm from David.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.       Psalm 19:14

Today we listen to modern day psalmists. Consider the song, Words by Hawk Nelson

They've made me feel like a prisoner, They've made me feel set free

 They've made me feel like a criminal,  Made me feel like a king

 They've lifted my heart, To places I'd never been

 And they've dragged me down, Back to where I began

 Words can build you up Words can break you down

 Start a fire in your heart or Put it out

 Let my words be life,  Let my words be truth

 I don't wanna say a word Unless it points the world back to You

 You can heal the heartache  Speak over the fear

God, Your voice is the only thing We need to hear

I wanna speak Your love  Not just another noise

 Oh, I wanna be Your light I wanna be Your voice

 Let the words I say Be the sound of Your grace

I don't wanna say a word,  Unless it points the world back to You
Be wise today and always - speak the truth.