Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Hope

This Sunday we started our training for a fantastic event called my Hope with Billy Graham. It is Billy Graham’s final call for America to turn to Christ. The strategy is called Matthew and Friends. Accepting Jesus’ call to follow Him, Matthew invited friends into his house to meet the Person who changed his life.
More information:

This Strategy involves Looking Around, Up, Out, Forward, and After.

Look Around - Identify who in your life does not know Jesus Christ. 
Look Up - Pray every day.
Look Out - Look out for opportunities to build your relationships. 
Look forward - Prepare to share - Invite people to your home - Watch the video - Share your testimony - Ask if anyone would like to receive Christ as Savior.

Tomorrow we'll share the "Look After" part of the Matthew strategy.

Be wise today and always - be prepared to share the Good News.