Christians sometimes try to be "secret agents" in the world today. They do such a good job that no one would ever suspect them in being a Christ follower. I don't think that's biblical or healthy! Peter gives belivers the plan in one verse of things that are to be evident in our lives.
I Peter 3:15 “But
in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer
to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this
with gentleness and respect.”
We are to be "set apart" - different in our words, thoughts, and actions. We are to "be prepared" - biblically literate and morally pure. We do these things in order to share with the world around us the "reason for the hope" that we have through Christ Jesus. Our eternal hope brings us present hope, and we must share and live it out every day.
Yes you're going to be different.
You will put a smile on God's face. It's worth it, and it might save someone around you.
Be wise today and always - be different for Jesus.