I recently read, "If hurts were hairs we'd all be grizzly bears!". It made me laugh, but there is so much truth in it. Everyone gets hurt. Sometimes many times in a day. If we do not deal with them they can consume us. Maybe we decide to it's not worth the hassle, but you can die from a thousand paper cuts.
Jesus set a great example when He washed the disciples feet. He said to go and do likewise. We usually see this as a call to servant hood, but there is a great lesson to learn here. Why did He wash everyone's feet? He could of looked at each one of them in the face and told them of how they had sinned and failed Him. But He didn't and He washed their feet - even those of His betrayer.
Are you willing to wash the feet of those who have failed you?
Jesus did and has told us to follow His example.
Don't miss receiving and giving grace - forgiving those who have hurt you is a great place to start.