Ten Were Healed – Only One Came
1. Only one broke the Levitical law about
2. Only one understood what was happening to them
in a deeper sense
3. Only one went from lamenting to thanksgiving
and praise.
4. Only one who came back was a Samaritan.
It wasn’t Suzy Sunday School or Deacon Doug who truly
understood (got it). It was the Samaritan! The guy that had no business at
Jesus feet, but he was the only one who did. Only one saw the difference between being healed and being
whole. Nine lepers were so intent on following the law, but the one, who
turned around and came back, saw a significant difference in his mind and
heart. Clearly in the mind of Jesus there is a difference between being healed and being made whole.
Always come back to Jesus with a grateful heart. Amen?