is See You at the Pole™, the global day of student prayer, began as a grass
roots movement with ten students praying at their school. Twenty-eight years
later, millions pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September.
See You at the Pole™ is simply a prayer rally where students meet at the school
flagpole before school (at 7AM) to lift up their friends, families, teachers,
school, and nation to God. See You at the Pole™ is a student-initiated,
student-organized, and student-led event.
1990 when youth ministers in Texas first challenged young people to meet on a
common day to launch their school year in prayer, one of the concerns what how
to help those who wanted to pray together find each other. It was noted that
virtually every school has a flagpole, and the flagpole provided an
easy-to-identify place to gather. Also, one issue that the teenagers were
praying about was the spiritual health of their country and their leaders, in
obedience to 1 Timothy 2:1–2. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions,
prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and
all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
godliness and holiness.
if you can’t meet at “the pole” tomorrow remember to pray for our students and all our schools. Amen?