Jeremiah 17:19-27 in the NIV (or whatever version you use) to The Message (MSG). Underline
and discuss key passages.
the Sabbath Day Holy
19-20 God’s Message
to me: “Go stand in the People’s Gate, the one used by Judah’s kings as they
come and go, and then proceed in turn to all the gates of Jerusalem. Tell them,
‘Listen, you kings of Judah, listen to God’s
Message—and all you people who go in and out of these gates, you listen!
21-23 “‘This is God’s Message. Be careful, if you care about your lives, not
to desecrate the Sabbath by turning it into just another workday, lugging stuff
here and there. Don’t use the Sabbath to do business as usual. Keep the Sabbath
day holy, as I commanded your ancestors. They never did it, as you know. They
paid no attention to what I said and went about their own business, refusing to
be guided or instructed by me.
24-26 “‘But now, take seriously what I
tell you. Quit desecrating the Sabbath by busily going about your own work, and
keep the Sabbath day holy by not doing business as usual. Then kings from the
time of David and their officials will continue to ride through these gates on
horses or in chariots. The people of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem will
continue to pass through them, too. Jerusalem will always be filled with
people. People will stream in from all over Judah, from the province of
Benjamin, from the Jerusalem suburbs, from foothills and mountains and deserts.
They’ll come to worship, bringing all kinds of offerings—animals, grains,
incense, expressions of thanks—into the Sanctuary of God.
27 “‘But if you won’t listen to me, won’t keep the Sabbath
holy, won’t quit using the Sabbath for doing your own work, busily going in and
out of the city gates on your self-important business, then I’ll burn the gates
down. In fact, I’ll burn the whole city down, palaces and all, with a fire
nobody will be able to put out!’”
In verses 19-20 who was
Jeremiah addressing about keeping the fourth commandment to keep holy the
Sabbath day? It was so public and “in your face” as a matter of last resorts. Disaster would soon be upon them.
Do you believe God is using the same techniques today to get our attention - are we listening any better?
Be wise today and always - listen to God keep the Sabbath holy.
Do you believe God is using the same techniques today to get our attention - are we listening any better?
Be wise today and always - listen to God keep the Sabbath holy.