Simeon didn’t fall into that trap. He was looking for the Messiah… and who did he find? He found Jesus, this baby being carried by Joseph & Mary., they were part of the ordinary crowd of people who came into the
2. We need to look for Christ
Simeon was looking for Jesus. What robs many people, including Christians, of the peace that Christmas can have is that we get caught up in looking for everything but Jesus. And thus, the manger of Christmas becomes empty for us.
3. We need to prepare ourselves to receive God’s blessings.
Simeon was not a particularly important man, but he was known as a righteous and a devout man. In Greek his name means “taking a good hold” on something. for him, God was at the center of this his life.. He was constantly in the
He was not a CEO (Christmas - Easter only) type of worshipper, or every other Sunday attendee. Simeon was the type of worshipper who would have been present every time the church doors were opened. He was dedicated and loved God with all of his heart, soul and mind.
It was only to him, a lady named Anna, and a bunch of shepherds that God revealed His message of peace. Wonder why? They were waiting and watching with hope!
Be wise today and always - look for Jesus this year (you will find Him).