Saturday, January 25, 2014

You Can Rest Now

I hope you are enjoying our GRACE study so far. To get the most out of it I would encourage you to consider the following:
Read GRACE by Max Lucado
Watch or attend the sermons each week at
Participate or start a small group to go deeper in to each week's message.

The following is an example of what we talk about in my Tuesday morning group:

GRACE - You Can Rest Now

Life Group

 What tangible proof is there of salvation?

 Do we expect certain habits or traits from those who call themselves Christians?

Read Ephesians 2:8-9 - What does this say?

 How do God’s grace and our faith work together to equal salvation?

 Read Romans 3:21-26 Why is the law no longer necessary to experience God’s grace?

 Do we ever allow nonbiblical ideas to interfere in our relationships with other Christians?

When faced with a conflicting opinion, how do you respond?

Even Peter who was with Jesus throughout His ministry needed a supernatural vision to convince him to change his ways. Read Acts 10:10-15

 Have you ever felt like there are certain things you need to do in order to be a Christian? What are these things?

Have you ever been around someone who claims to be a better Christian than you are? What things did that person say you were wrong about? How did you respond?

 When someone gives you something freely do you feel the need to somehow repay the giver?

 How can you repay Jesus?
Accept God's grace with a thankful heart.