Sunday, April 14, 2019

Crying for You

Yesterday I wrote about Jesus weeping with us in our sorrows. Jesus also weeps over our sins, and He is troubled by our blinded eyes. Today is Palm Sunday. You can read the account of Jesus' Triumphal Entry in  Luke 19:28-40 when Jesus comes to Jerusalem as king.

Most of our sermons and lessons for this day have to do with the crowds, shouts of hosannas, the parade, the excitement, etc. But Jesus knew that all of it was a sham. In a few short days the crowds would turn on Him – cheers turn in to jeers – hosannas in to Crucify Him!

Can you picture Him that day? Prophecy was fulfilled. The Messiah riding on a donkey, over palm branches, and people's coats. He had the praise of the people and was the center of attention. How would you have felt? The closes thing I could imagine would be in a convertible in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade route. Jesus reacted different than we would. Luke 19:41-42 tells us, As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. This is referring to the desolation of Jerusalem and future refusal of Him because of their hard hearts, stiff necks, and blinded eyes.

You see the crowds wanted a military general type king. A week later they realized that wasn't what Jesus was about. So they crowned Him with thorns instead of a golden crown. His Kingdom was not of this world. Jesus wept for a blind sinful world. His weeping here is different than in Bethany (a gentle sobbing). The word here entails a loud sobbing, wailing, groaning, and cries that could be heard far away. Jesus was pouring out His heart over our spiritual neglect and sin. Note in Bethany He was joined in His weeping, but today He wept alone.

Sadly the church of Jesus Christ doesn't seem to be weeping over the sins of those around them or even our own sins. We are hardly troubled by blinded eyes. What are you blinded from? Do you need to be shedding tears over someone or something in your world? Jesus is weeping. Will you join Him?