Tuesday, April 2, 2019


God will save all who place their faith in Jesus but gives people the freedom to receive or reject salvation. Look at this call to faith found in Romans 10:1-21.

1. We cannot save ourselves. (10:1-4)

Understanding Paul’s great passion for the Jews to be saved through faith should motivate all of us to have a similar passion for all people.

2. We can be saved by faith. (10:8-13)

Look for opportunities during the week to share our faith.

Think about: What causes you not too? How can we change our attitudes?

3. We can encourage others.  (10:14-18b, 21)

If you know Jesus then you know enough - do not be afraid to have conversations with others about your faith in Christ.

Remember the responsibility that has God given to all believers.

Share your faith. Amen?