Friday, October 4, 2013

Put Your Hand in the Hand

The greatest choice you can make in life is to accept God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are saved because of Christ's redemptive work on the cross. We are to live out our salvation as we grow and mature in our Christian walk. We will spend eternity in glory (heaven) with God because of the choice to be a Christ Follower while on this earth. In Jeremiah chapter two Judah traded God's glory for their own glory.That choice led to their destruction. Choose wisely Christ and live for Him.

John MacArthur teaches that there are Three Phases of Your Saved Life in Christ:

1. Justification - God saved me from the penalty that my sins deserved.

2. Sanctification - God is increasingly saving me from the power of sin in my daily life.

2. Glorification - God will one day save me from the very presence of sin when I am in heaven.

Have you taken that first step in the process yet?

Turn to God with all your life choices. Be justified, sanctified, and glorified!
Be wise today and always - make righteous choices!