The Bible Series on the History channel started this week with the episode called, Journey from Death
to Life
The Scripture for this week's study is found in Genesis 22:1–19. It's important to remember that everyone has a story, Genesis
22, is not just Isaac’s story; it is the story of all of us in very important
First remember:
My life is an uncertain journey
(Genesis 22:1–8).
No man knows what is to be, and who can
tell him what will be after him? (Ecclesiastes 10:14b, ESV).
None of us knows what is to be.
No matter how much you may know,
no matter how educated you are,
no matter how much you have figured out, your life, like mine, is an uncertain journey.
That’s one way in which Isaac’s story is my story, and yours, too.
Be wise today and always - keep you eyes on Christ as you journey through life.