This week's lesson from The Bible series is the story of a
time when the entire nation of Israel was reduced to nothing, but rubble. God
had a plan, as he does for every one of us. His plan was to work their
salvation, in such a way that turned them from victims to victors; the same
plan God has for you and me.
The book of Daniel, in our Bible, is named for the main
figure in the story, who was one of many exiles who were forcibly taken from
their homes when Jerusalem was conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar, and the
kingdom of Judah ended by the nation of Babylon.
But though he was more than five hundred miles from home,
among people who didn’t know or worship his God, Daniel’s story was just
beginning. He became an advisor to the very king who had tried to make victims
of him and his people.
So even in the midst of the nations downfall God was still involved in the daily lives of His people.
Be wise today and always - trust in God regardless of your circumstances.